Development a smart forewarning system to assess the occurrence, fate and behaviour of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and pathogens, in surface and coastal waters (FOREWARN)
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Towards the target indicators of the Viral Pathogen Diversity in water by Metagenome Analysis, VIRI-DIANA (AGL2017-82909)
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Occurrence and accumulation of potentially infectious viruses in process water and impact of water disinfection practices to minimize viral cross-contamination (2020CPS09)
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Presencia, tipado, estabilidad y transmisión de los contaminantes microbianos emergentes en alimentos y el medio acuático
Gloria Sánchez
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Understanding the effects of emerging risks (micropLAstics and emerGing viruses) in the fOOd chaiN: a multidisciplinary research effort (LAGOON)
Rafael Gavara/Gloria Sánchez
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Eco-sites implementation for industrial-urban symbiosis through social and technological solutions (SYMSITES)
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COVID-19 BAEMitup-Diagnostic test SARS-CoV-2 and surrogate biological standard for sanitization validation (ID:20409)
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